how do you add a chart?
Moogle (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:22:18 Could you add new chart?
Mission Broker
Section: Mission
I doesn't have right to add chart.
Kick ha farce
Kick Ha Farce (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:22:18 I can add that, just tell me what columns it should include.
Witte (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:22:18 Hi Witte,
I think that there should be have columns for Mission Broker:
1.Mission Broker (name)
2.Name (Personnal name)
For link with maps->
6.Nearest City
And listing, link with mission:
2.Mission Chain
Kick Ha Farce (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:22:18 I have added the chart. When all mission brokers are added to it, I can make the links with the map and the charts.
Witte (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:22:18 Hello Witte,
I have added the all Mission Broker in the list.
Missing only the Cristal Palace one - > Need to do it again there is a problem with the name...
Almost all map names are changed in the last version (completed by name and city) , I wait that you link the data before to correct them.
Kick Ha Farce (talk) - 21-02-2025 18:22:18