Locations of everything that can be found in Entropia Universe. You can click on an item on the map or on "edit/view" in the chart to start editing. To add new items, use the "Add location" tab. Showing 1886 of 56 locations.

Map: Lon  Lat:  

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ContinentLonLatTypeNameDensityLand AreaDistance
Calypso6136975166Mission BrokerIngrid J 0
Calypso6132075178Mission Broker Port Atlantis Social Guide 50
Calypso6137575109Mission Broker Port Atlantis Official 57
Calypso6142675176Mission Broker Port Atlantis Economy Guide 58
Calypso6142675135Mission Broker Maximilian Wolfe 65
Calypso6141875217Teleport Port Atlantis 71
Calypso6143775135Mission Broker Colonel Briers 75
Calypso6142175105Mission Broker Carl Tucker 80
Calypso6141475232Mission Broker Karona Cinquanto 
Calypso6132075095Mission Broker Wallace Hornby 86
Calypso6132775263Mission Broker Ms. Leyana 106
Calypso6127475065Revival point   139
Calypso6106775248Road   156
Calypso6139075345Mission Broker Port Atlantis Medical Guide 180
Calypso6139475351Revival point   187
 mm     m
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Latest update: 23-02-2025 19:30:40 (Local Time)

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