Mission: Iron Challenge: Gokibusagi Stage I
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Gokibusagi
Objective:Kill Gokibusagi worth 1200 points
Reward:0.85 ped Heavy Melee Weapons or 0.55 ped Courage or 0.27 ped Bravado
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Professor Elon Surs, Iron Challenge Broker
Nearest City:Fort Fury
Added:Planet Calypso 2013.3


This Iron Challenge is offered and financed by the Calypso Colonial Administration and Calypso Xenobiological Center, and has been modeled according to the newest CFA Iron Standard. To complete the challenge, gather points by killing Gokibusage. Larger Gokibusagi will give more points.

Once you have completed the challenge, you may choose one of the following:
1) 0.85PED Heavy Melee Weapons Skill

2) 0.55PED Courage Skill

3) 0.27PED Bravado Skill

  • Kill Gokibusagi worth 1200 points
    • 0 of 1200


Professor Elon Surs (Fort Fury 68308, 79038)
Greetings, colonist. My name is Elon Surs, professor of xenobiology and xenobotany. I represent the CCA and the CXI, Calypso Xenobiological Institute. We've noticed some problems lately concerning the Gokibusagi on Calypso. Their numbers are growing alarmingly large, despite the species nearly going extinct at one point.

The solution we decided on was to go with the increasingly popular practice of asking the Calypso Firearms Association to set us up with an Iron Challenge.

  • Okay?

This way, we can reward colonists for helping us keeping the population down. At the same time, we can simply stop handing the mission out if the population starts getting too low. Additionally, it allows us to give more points for big Gokibusage than for smaller ones, ensure that not all animals killed are young ones, which would not be good. You interested?

  • Sure, sign me up (Accept Quest)
  • No thanks (Decline Quest)

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