Mission: Iron Challenge: Combibo Stage V
Specifications                  [Edit]
Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Iron Challenge Combibo
Objective:Gather Combibo Pheromone Particles (30000)
Reward:BLP Weaponry Technology (eq. 6.25 PED implant) or Laser Weaponry Technology (eq. 6.25 PED implant) or First Aid (eq. 2.01 PED implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Professor Hale
Nearest City:Orthos West Mound
Required Mission:Iron Challenge: Combibo Stage IV


I need your assistance with gathering Combibo pheromones. Simply go out into the wild and kill ome of them, my automatic pheromone analyzer will take care of the rest. Larger Combibo are capable of producing more pheromone. Killing those will help you fill the sample size faster.


  • Gather Combibo Pheromone Particles
    • 0 of 30000
  • Proceed to Next Stage of Iron Challenge

Note: Combibo Pheromone Particles are not a loot item, only a mission counter. Combibo Young = 6 'particles'.

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