Mission: Twin Peaks Express
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Planet:Planet Calypso
Mission Chain:Fort Fury Icm Broker
Objective:Find several Points
Reward:Athletics (eq. 0.01 PED Implant)
Mission Broker
Mission Broker:Nestor Bakshi
Nearest City:Fort Fury



Twin Peaks Express

Go to Twin Peaks and talk to the mission broker there. A good route is through Zychion, then to the outpost on the east side of the river island, then south-south-east to Eurus, and then east along a road to Twin Peaks.



  • Find Twin Peaks 
    • Zychion 
    • Outpost
    • Eurus Twin Peaks

Mission Chain



Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"It might be a good idea to look for Twin Peaks. It's a long way away. It's about the distance from Port Atlantis to here over again. On the other hand, you'll find two teleporters and an outpost if you do the trek, and there's a mission broker in Twin Peaks that will guide you on. And, since Twin Peaks is a busting center of commerce, it's just good for youto know where it is.

Does this suit your fancy?"



  • Sure does.
  • Uhm. It's a bit far away.
  • I have better things to do.



If you choose 'Uhm. It's a bit far away":

Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"Yeah, I know, it's a long way off. But as I said, you'll find two teleporters and an outpost. And knowing the teleporters will help you future travels quite a lot. So if I were you and didn't have anything better to do it."



  • Okay, I'll do it.
  • Naw, I do have better things to do.


If you choose 'Sure does.' or 'Okay, I'll do it.':

Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"Good! You won't regret it!

So here's what you do. I think you should start by stopping by at Zychion. Then you follow the old road north-east to the river, and cross it from the narrow cape. Then you get to an island. Go on straight east across it until you find the outpost on the east side of the island."



  • Zychion, then outpost on the east side of the island. Got it! Next?


If you choose 'Zychion, then outpost on the east side of the island. Got it! Next?' or "I got lost after the Outpost."(return before end):

Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"Your next stop is Eurus. It's south-south-east of the outpost. It's propably easiest to find it if you swim east across the river and then follow the riverbank to a small bay. Then you go south and east in the shallow valley between the two sloping hills, not the one next to the very steep hill that's more to the south. It's Faucervix country, so be careful, but you should find Eurus in a small grove of Calypso pine in no time."



  • South and a bit east to Eurus. And then?


If you choose 'South and a bit east to Eurus. And then?' or "I need directions after Eurus." (return before end):

Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"If you look to the east when standing next to the teleporter at Eurus, you should actually be able to see the twin peaks that give Twin Peaks its name. So basically, what you do is that you run towards those.

There's a road a bit east of Eurus that you can use, but there's Faucervix and Atrax around there, so you better learn to dodge them. They're quick as greased lightning, so you better have armor and a gun just in case they get a sniff of you. There will be Daikiba as well. They're not as quick as the Faucervix, but they're frakkin'stubborn.

Anyway that's it. Just head to the Peaks and don't get killed."



  • East. Twin Peaks. Don't get killed.


If you choose 'East. Twin Peaks. Don't get killed.':

Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"And of course, talk to the mission broker in Twin Peaks. Good luck!"



  • Of course. Will do. Bye.


Return before the end:

Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"Oh, hello again. Do you need help?"



  • uh, yeah, could you tell me what to do after Zychion?
  • I got lost after the Outpost.
  • I need directions after Eurus.


If you choose 'uh, yeah, could you tell me what to do after Zychion?':

Nestor Bakshi, Iron Challenge Mission Broker

"After Zychion, you follow the old road north-east to the river, and cross it from the narrow cape. Then you get to an island. Go on straight east across it until you find the outpost on the east side of the island."



  • Zychion, then outpost on the east side of the island. Got it! Next?.

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