Material: Nova Fragment
Specifications                  [Edit]
Value:1E-05 PED
Refines To:Chalinum Alloy
Cobaltium Ingot
Distilled Sweat Crystal
Frigulerian Dust
Galaurphite Ingot
Galvesperdite Ingot
Lystionite Steel Ingot
Magtonium Dust
Solares Ingot
Found on:Entropia Universe
User Value:5000.00 % (2014-02-05)
This is a fragment. Fragments can be used in manufacturing.

Other Uses

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Blueprints where the material is used.

BlueprintAmountCostCost/MCost/%Found on
Advanced Cooling System Unit Blueprint100.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Advanced Fluid Energy Source Blueprint100.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Advanced Heavy Springs Blueprint100.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Advanced Spur Gears 6K Blueprint100.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 1 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 2 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 3 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 4 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 5 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 6 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 7 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 8 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 9 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Defense Enhancer 10 Blueprint10.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
Armor Durability Enhancer 1 Blueprint40.000.005000.0Entropia Universe
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This item has been reported to drop from these creatures.

CreatureFrequencyMaturityLast VUUpdate 
Snablesnot MaleCommonYoung18.8.1.aLast VUEdit
Snablesnot FemaleCommonYoungLast VUEdit
BerycledCommonPunyLast VUEdit
Daikiba (Calypso)CommonCubLast VUEdit
GibnibOftenYoungLast VUEdit
SabakumaOftenYoungLast VUEdit
ChirpyCommonYoungLast VUEdit
ShinkibaOftenYoungLast VUEdit
GallardOften Last VUEdit
PaneleonOftenWeakLast VUEdit
DusterCommonScapegoatLast VUEdit
DahharCommonJuvenile Young18.7.1Last VUEdit
MokhatOftenJuvenile YoungLast VUEdit
 Screecher PunyCommon 18.6.0Last VUEdit
MerfolkenCommonYoung18.4.2Last VUEdit
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